Advanced Integrated Development Environment for Quantum Computing


AIDE-QC is a project funded under the Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Research in Quantum Computing (ARQC) program. The project team is distributed across Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratory, and the University of Chicago. The goals of the project are to advance the state-of-the-art with regards to heterogeneous quantum-classical computing research and development, and deliver a holistic software stack and ecosystem for quantum computing. We are developing and delivering an open-source computing, programming, and simulation environment that supports the large diversity of quantum computing research across the DOE complex.

The project identifies the most critical aspects of computer science research for accelerating the integration of quantum computing devices into scientific exploration. We decompose the project into 5 primary research thrust areas:

  • Programming Languages - Advancing high-level programming models, languages and li- braries for heterogeneous quantum/classical, digital/analog computation.
  • Compiler - Deploying platform agnostic compilers for NISQ devices that deliver optimal program synthesis while incorporating error mitigation strategies.
  • Verification and Debugging - Developing techniques and tools for verification and debug- ging of quantum and hybrid quantum-classical programs.
  • Optimization - Developing critically important optimization algorithms needed across the thrust areas to fully exploit the limited resources afforded by NISQ hardware.
  • Software Integration - Establishing an integrated software infrastructure for programming, error mitigation, executing, classical simulation and analyzing quantum computations.