Advanced Integrated Development Environment for Quantum Computing

Add a New Quantum Backend

Here we detail how one might inject a new simulator or physical backend into the AIDE-QC software stack. The process for doing this is
via the implementation of a new xacc::Accelerator sub-class, and its contribution to the stack as a new plugin library.


class Accelerator : public Identifiable {
  virtual void initialize(const HeterogeneousMap &params = {}) = 0;
  virtual void updateConfiguration(const HeterogeneousMap &config) = 0;
  virtual const std::vector<std::string> configurationKeys() = 0;
  virtual HeterogeneousMap getProperties();
  virtual std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> getConnectivity();

  // Execute a single program. All results persisted to the buffer
  virtual void
  execute(std::shared_ptr<AcceleratorBuffer> buffer,
          const std::shared_ptr<CompositeInstruction> 
             CompositeInstruction) = 0;

  // Execute a vector of programs. A new buffer
  // is expected to be appended as a child of the provided buffer.
  virtual void execute(std::shared_ptr<AcceleratorBuffer> buffer,
          const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CompositeInstruction>>
             CompositeInstructions) = 0;

The Accelerator class structure is shown above. All Accelerators expose a mechanism for one-time initialization.
The initialize method takes as input an optional HeterogeneousMap which enables initial user
configuration of the Accelerator. Examples of input here include shots and backend (which physical backend to
run on, i.e. ibmq_vigo for the ibm Accelerator). Users can also update any initialization parameters
via the updateConfiguration method. Implementations should expose which input keys they expect via
the configurationKeys() method. Next, Accelerator enables one to retrieve any pertinent properties from
the backend the implementation delegates to. This is useful for users to gain access to error rates and other
physical backend information. Accelerator exposes a mechanism for providing the backend processor physical
qubit connectivity as a list or vector of edges.

Critically, Accelerator exposes a mechanism for execution of CompositeInstructions. execute takes as input
an AcceleratorBuffer and the quantum circuit encoded as a CompositeInstrucion. The goal of execute implementations
is to map the CompositeInstruction to the input required by the backend (map the IR to native gates, map those native gates to the format required by the backend API), affect execution of that circuit, and retrieve execution results and persist them to the input buffer. Accelerator also exposes an execute method that will execute a vector of CompositeInstructions.

The ability to map CompositeInstructions to the unique input format of the targeted backend is critical to the implementation of execute on Accelerator sub-types. To make this efficient, we have provided a means to walk the IR tree and visit each concrete node (which is itself an Instruction, with concrete implementations for the various quantum gates). Most Accelerators will make use of this in the following way:

void MyAccelerator::execute(std::shared_ptr<AcceleratorBuffer>, const std::shared_ptr<CompositeInstruction> circuit) {

  // Create an instance of your custom instruction visitory
  auto my_visitor = std::make_shared<MyCustomInstructionVisitor>();

  // Pre-order tree traversal
  InstructionIterator iter(circuit);
  while(iter.hasNext()) {
      auto instruction =;

      // Visit the Instruction

  auto backend_circ_format = my_visitor->getMyFormat();

  // Now execute via backend API...


Developers are free to implement an InstructionVisitor in any way they see fit, as long as they implement the pertinent Instruction visit(...) calls

class MyCustomInstructionVisitor : public AllGateVisitor {
   std::string my_backend_circ_format_str = "";
   void visit(Hadamard& h) override {
       // build up my_backend_circ_format_str for Hadamard
   void visit(CNOT& cnot) override {
       // build up my_backend_circ_format_str for Hadamard
   std::string getMyFormat() {return my_backend_circ_format_str;}

As an example, imagine your backend required or exposed a submission API that took an OpenQasm string as input. You could implement an InstructionVisitor that
visited concrete Instruction nodes and built up a string on the class that contained the visited circuit as an OpenQasm code string. You would then expose a
method for retrieving that string after walking the tree, and could use it in the submission API for your backend.

After mapping the incoming CompositeInstruction to the correct submission format, the next goal for execute is to affect execution on the backend and retrieve execution results. The results should be persisted to the input AcceleratorBuffer so that upstream users can retrieve them, these are usually just
bitstrings and corresponding counts.

  // Continuing the execute impl from above
  auto backend_circ_format = my_visitor->getMyFormat();

  // Now execute via backend API...
  auto bit_strings_counts = execute_on_actual_backend(backend_circ_format);

  // Add the results to the buffer
  for (auto [bits, count] : bit_strings_counts) {
      buffer->appendMeasurement(bits, count);

  // All done!


Concrete Example - Quimb Integration 

To illustrate the concepts presented in the previous section, here we provide a concrete demonstration
of injecting a new quantum backend into the AIDE-QC stack. Specifically, we’ll demonstrate
how to add a new simulation capability to the stack - the quantum circuit simulation module from the
Quimb library. This provides an interesting test
case in that it will require a new Accelerator subtype, an InstructionVisitor to map CompositeInstructions to
the required Quimb input, and a mechanism for executing the Pythonic Quimb simulation from C++.

We start out by creating the files necessary to build and install a new plugin for the AIDE-QC stack.

mkdir quimb_accelerator && cd quimb_accelerator 
touch CMakeLists.txt quimb_accelerator.{hpp,cpp} manifest.json

First, let’s populate the quimb_accelerator.* source files with the necessary Accelerator sub-type boilerplate

#pragma once

#include "Accelerator.hpp"

namespace xacc {
class QuimbAccelerator : public Accelerator { 
  std::map<std::string, int> execute_with_quimb(const std::string &code,
                                                const int n_qubits);
  void initialize(const HeterogeneousMap &params = {}) override;
  void updateConfiguration(const HeterogeneousMap &config) override;
  const std::vector<std::string> configurationKeys() override;
  HeterogeneousMap getProperties() override;

  // Execute a single program. All results persisted to the buffer
  void execute(std::shared_ptr<AcceleratorBuffer> buffer,
               const std::shared_ptr<CompositeInstruction> circuit)

  // Execute a vector of programs. A new buffer
  // is expected to be appended as a child of the provided buffer.
  void execute(std::shared_ptr<AcceleratorBuffer> buffer,
               const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CompositeInstruction>>
                   circuits) override;

  // Give it a unique name and description
  const std::string name() const override { return "quimb"; }
  const std::string description() const override { return "This is a demo!"; }
}  // namespace xacc
#include "quimb_accelerator.hpp"
#include "xacc_plugin.hpp"

namespace xacc {

void QuimbAccelerator::initialize(const HeterogeneousMap &params) {
  // do nothing for now
void QuimbAccelerator::updateConfiguration(const HeterogeneousMap &config) {
  // do nothing for now
const std::vector<std::string> QuimbAccelerator::configurationKeys() {
  // nothing for now
  return {};

HeterogeneousMap QuimbAccelerator::getProperties() {
  HeterogeneousMap m;
  return m;
void QuimbAccelerator::execute(
    std::shared_ptr<AcceleratorBuffer> buffer,
    const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CompositeInstruction>>
        circuits) {
  // handle this later

void QuimbAccelerator::execute(
    std::shared_ptr<AcceleratorBuffer> buffer,
    const std::shared_ptr<CompositeInstruction> circuit) {}

}  // namespace xacc

In quimb_accelerator.hpp, we declare the QuimbAccelerator sub-class of Accelerator, and give it the unique name quimb. In the implementation file, we start on initialize, updateConfiguration, configurationKeys and getProperties but leave them empty for now. We will handle the execute single CompositeInstruction method first. Critically, we include xacc_plugin.hpp and end the file with a registration macro that registers the new Accelerator with AIDE-QC - this ensures the new Accelerator can be used in the AIDE-QC stack.

Next, we turn our attention to the CMake build system - CMakeLists.txt and manifest.json. The plugin must define a manifest.json file to encode information about the plugin name and description. We populate the file with the following

    "bundle.symbolic_name" : "quimb_accelerator",
    "bundle.activator" : true,
    "" : "Bindings for Quimb",
    "bundle.description" : "Cool Description Here."

Now we populate the CMakeLists.txt file with typical CMake boilerplate project calls, plus additional code to correctly build our plugin and install to the appropriate plugin folder location:

# Boilerplate CMake calls to setup the project
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12 FATAL_ERROR)
project(quimb_accelerator VERSION 1.0.0 LANGUAGES CXX)

# Find XACC, provides underlying plugin system
find_package(XACC REQUIRED)
# Find Python includes and library
find_package(Python COMPONENTS Interpreter Development REQUIRED)

set(LIBRARY_NAME quimb-accelerator)
file(GLOB SRC quimb_accelerator.cpp)
usfunctiongetresourcesource(TARGET ${LIBRARY_NAME} OUT SRC)
usfunctiongeneratebundleinit(TARGET ${LIBRARY_NAME} OUT SRC)
add_library(${LIBRARY_NAME} SHARED ${SRC})

target_include_directories(${LIBRARY_NAME} PUBLIC . ${Python_INCLUDE_DIRS}

# _bundle_name must be == manifest.json bundle.symbolic_name !!!
set(_bundle_name quimb_accelerator)
                                 US_BUNDLE_NAME ${_bundle_name})
usfunctionembedresources(TARGET ${LIBRARY_NAME} 
                         FILES manifest.json)

# Link library with XACC
target_link_libraries(${LIBRARY_NAME} PUBLIC xacc::xacc xacc::quantum_gate Python::Python)

# Configure RPATH
  set_target_properties(${LIBRARY_NAME} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS 
                            "-undefined dynamic_lookup")
  set_target_properties(${LIBRARY_NAME} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "-shared")

# Install to Plugins directory

The above CMake code is pretty much ubiquitous across all XACC plugin builds. The first crucial part is find_package(XACC) which can be configured or customized with the cmake .. -DXACC_DIR=/path/to/xacc flag. Next we create a shared library containing the compiled quimb_accelerator code, and configure it as a plugin with appropriate usfunction* calls (from the underlying CppMicroServices infrastructure). We link the library to the xacc::xacc target, configure the RPATH such that it can link to the install lib/ directory, and install to the plugin storage directory. Since we plan
to delegate to Python, we find_package(Python) and include the Python headers and link to the Python target. Moreover, since we plan to create a new AllGateVisitor we also need to link to the xacc::quantum_gate target.

To build this we run (from the top-level of the project directory)

mkdir build && cd build 
cmake .. -G Ninja -DXACC_DIR=$(qcor -xacc-install)
cmake --build . --target install

Now that we have a project that builds and installs, let’s turn our attention to implementing QuimbAccelerator::execute. We note that in Quimb, one can create a quantum circuit using a list of tuples

qc = qtn.Circuit(3)
gates = [
    ('H', 0),
    ('H', 1),
    ('CNOT', 1, 2),
    ('CNOT', 0, 2),
    ('H', 0),
    ('H', 1),
    ('H', 2),

So our implementation strategy will be to create a new InstructionVisitor that will map CompositeInstructions to a
python source string that resembles the code above. We begin by adding a QuimbInstructionVisitor to the quimb_accelerator.hpp file after the QuimbAccelerator declaration.

// Add these 2 lines to top of the file
#include "AllGateVisitor.hpp"
using namespace xacc::quantum;

... Accelerator code ...

class QuimbInstructionVisitor : public AllGateVisitor {
  std::string quimb_py_str = "gates = [\n";
  void visit(Hadamard& h) override {
      quimb_py_str += "   ('H', " + std::to_string(h.bits()[0]) + "),\n";
  void visit(CNOT& cnot) override {
      quimb_py_str += "   ('CNOT', " + std::to_string(cnot.bits()[0]) + ", " + std::to_string(cnot.bits()[1]) + "),\n";
  ... other visit methods ...

  std::string getQuimbCode() {
      quimb_py_str += "]";
      return quimb_py_str;

Now we can update the execute method to follow the pattern detailed above.

void QuimbAccelerator::execute(
    std::shared_ptr<AcceleratorBuffer> buffer,
    const std::shared_ptr<CompositeInstruction> circuit) {

  auto visitor = std::make_shared<QuimbInstructionVisitor>();

  // Pre-order tree traversal
  InstructionIterator iter(circuit);
  while(iter.hasNext()) {
      auto instruction =;
      if (!instruction->isComposite()) {
        // Visit the Instruction

  auto quimb_code = visitor->getQuimbCode();

  auto bit_strings_counts = execute_with_quimb(quimb_code, buffer->size());

  // Add the results to the buffer
  for (auto [bits, count] : bit_strings_counts) {
      buffer->appendMeasurement(bits, count);


The above code illustrates the initial pattern discussed at the beginning of this article. We walk the IR tree, visit
each node which constructs the data required as input by the Quimb simulator, executes the simulator and adds the results
to the buffer. Now we look into what this execution actually looks like, how is execute_with_quimb implemented? The
AIDE-QC stack provides pybind11 as part of the install so that developers can create plugins that are interoperable with Python. Specifically, we’ll use the embedded interpreter provided by pybind11. To do so, we must update the quimb_accelerator.hpp header to keep track of the py::scoped_interpreter_guard


#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include <pybind11/stl_bind.h>
#include <pybind11/embed.h>
namespace py = pybind11;

class QuimbAccelerator : public Accelerator {
  std::shared_ptr<py::scoped_interpreter> guard;
  std::map<std::string, int> execute_with_quimb(const std::string &code,
                                                const int n_qubits);

Let’s look at our execute_with_quimb method implementation

std::map<std::string, int> execute_with_quimb(const std::string& code, const int n_qubits) {
  if (!guard && !Py_IsInitialized()) {
    guard = std::make_shared<py::scoped_interpreter>();

  std::string py_code = "from quimb.tensor import Circuit\n";
  py_code += "from collections import Counter\n";
  py_code += code;
  py_code += "\nqc = Circuit(" + std::to_string(n_qubits) + ")\n";
  py_code += "qc.apply_gates(gates)\n";
  py_code += "bit_strings = []\n";
  py_code += "for b in qc.sample(" + std::to_string(1024) + "):\n";
  py_code += "    bit_strings.append(b)\n";
  py_code += "counts = Counter(bit_strings)\n";

  auto locals = py::dict();
  try {
    py::exec(py_code, py::globals(), locals);
  } catch (std::exception &e) {
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "Quimb Exec Error:\n";
    ss << e.what();

  return locals["counts"].cast<std::map<std::string, int>>();

This method starts by checking if the python interpreter has been initialized, and if not, we allocate the
scoped_interpreter. The next segment attempts to build up some Quimb Python source code that will
incorporate the code generated by the QuimbInstructionVisitor to create a circuit, sample from that
resultant wavefunction represented internally as a tensor network, and allocate a dictionary of measurement counts.
We execute the code with py::exec() with a locally allocated locals dictionary, which we use to get
the counts back as a map<std::string, int>. The function ends by returning this map, which is then used to
persist the execution results to the buffer at the end of the execute() method.

Build and install the above updates with

cd build 
make -j4 install

We can now test this out with qcor via C++ or Python

Quimb Test in C++Quimb Test in Python
__qpu__ void bell(qreg q) {
  CX(q[0], q[1]);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  auto q = qalloc(2);
qcor -qpu quimb bell.cpp ; ./a.out
from qcor import qjit, qalloc, qreg

def bell(q : qreg):
    CX(q[0], q[1])
    for i in range(q.size()):

q = qalloc(2)
python3 -qpu quimb

Finally, let’s see how to take user input via the initialize method. Above we have hardcode the number of shots to 1024. Let’s see if we can accept that as input. To do so, we add a int shots member to the QuimbAccelerator and default it to 1024.

class QuimbAccelerator : public Accelerator {
  int shots = 1024;
  std::shared_ptr<py::scoped_interpreter> guard;
  std::map<std::string, int> execute_with_quimb(const std::string &code,
                                                const int n_qubits);

Next, we implement initialize to check for a shots key in the input parameters, and set it if it is found.

void QuimbAccelerator::initialize(const HeterogeneousMap &params) {
  if (params.keyExists<int>("shots")) {
      shots = params.get<int>("shots");

Now we can update execute_with_quimb to use this shots protected member

std::map<std::string, int> execute_with_quimb(const std::string& code, const int n_qubits) {
  py_code += "bit_strings = []\n";
  py_code += "for b in qc.sample(" + std::to_string(shots) + "):\n";
  py_code += "    bit_strings.append(b)\n";

You can now run the above examples with the -shots 2048 command line arguments to observe results that contain that many shots.

OpenQasm Compatible Backends 

Any backend can be integrated in a relatively straightforward manner if that backend
accepts an OpenQasm string as input. For instance, imagine a backend that takes as input a qiskit.QuantumCircuit. We can
easily interface the Accelerator backends with APIs like this via the AIDE-QC source-to-source translation capabilities. Let’s take a look:

void MyAccelerator::execute(std::shared_ptr<AcceleratorBuffer> buffer, const std::shared_ptr<CompositeInstruction> circuit) {
  // Get the Staq OpenQasm Compiler
  auto staq = xacc::getCompiler("staq");

  // Translate the circuit to OpenQasm
  auto openqasm_str = staq->translate(circuit);

  // Execute with some function that accepts openqasm
  // This could be any OpenQasm compatible API
  auto results = execute_openqasm_api(openqasm_str);

  // Add the results to the buffer
  for (auto [bits, count] : bit_strings_counts) {
      buffer->appendMeasurement(bits, count);

We leave the details of this OpenQasm-compatible backend API opaque for the purposes of this demonstration, but execute_openqasm_api() may for example, take the OpenQasm code string and use it to construct a qiskit.QuantumCircuit and use that to execute with the qiskit infrastructure. Of course, this is just an example, the above code should enable integration with any backend that accepts OpenQasm as input.