Advanced Integrated Development Environment for Quantum Computing

Tensor Network Quantum Virtual Machine

TNQVM is an Accelerator implementation that leverages tensor network theory to simulate quantum circuits.

TNQVM supports ITensor -MPS (built-in) and ExaTN numerical tensor processing libraries.

Install the TNQVM 

Required Dependencies: XACC (part of AIDE-QC Software Stack)

Optional Dependencies: ExaTN, MPI

Locate XACC install directory 

Depending on the way XACC was installed, e.g. compiling from source or using apt-get/brew, XACC may be located at different locations.

For example, if installed from source, XACC can be found at $HOME/.xacc by default.

On the other hand, if the AIDE-QC Software Stack was installed with apt-get install qcor, XACC can be found at /usr/local/xacc.

You can always locate where XACC is installed with

qcor -xacc-install

(Optional) Clone and build ExaTN library 

If ExaTN backends are required, we need to clone and build the ExaTN library before compiling TNQVM.

Full build instructions can be found here .
In the followings, we just provides examples for some common build configurations.

git clone
cd exatn && mkdir build && cd build
make install
<BLAS_LIB_NAME>Name of the Blas libraryATLAS
<BLAS_LIB_PATH>Path to the Blas library/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
<MPI_LIB_NAME>Name of the MPI implementationMPICH or OPENMPI
<MPI_LIB_PATH>Path to the MPI library/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/
<MPI_BIN_PATH>Path to the directory that contains MPI binary executables, e.g. mpirun./usr/bin

Note: if you need to use ExaTN with GPU hardware (e.g. CUDA), please follow the instructions here .

After installation, ExaTN will be located at $HOME/.exatn by default unless a specific CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX value was specified. We will need this information to compile TNQVM with ExaTN in the next step.

Clone and build TNQVM 

Without ExaTN: 

If we only want to use TNQVM with the built-in ITensor-MPS numerical backend (skipping the above step), the build instructions are:

git clone 
cd tnqvm && mkdir build && cd build 
make install

<XACC_DIR> is the XACC install directory that we have located in the first step , e.g. $HOME/.xacc if installed from source or /usr/local/xacc if using apt-get.

-DTNQVM_BUILD_TESTS=TRUE is optional but highly-recommended to validate the TNQVM installation.
If set, we can test the installation by running the ctest command after make install.

With ExaTN: 

git clone 
cd tnqvm && mkdir build && cd build 
make install

<EXATN_DIR> is the location of the ExaTN library, which was installed in the previous step. As before, it is highly-recommended that we test the installation afterward by running ctest.

Enable multi-node MPS Tensor distribution 

When using with ExaTN, TNQVM can support MPS tensors that are distributed across multi nodes. This feature can be enabled by adding -DTNQVM_MPI_ENABLED=TRUE to CMake along with other configuration variables.

Prerequisites: ExaTN is built with MPI enabled, i.e., setting MPI_LIB and MPI_ROOT_DIR when configuring the ExaTN build.

Build configurations:

git clone 
cd tnqvm && mkdir build && cd build 
make install

Using TNQVM 

The TNQVM Accelerator can be requested in the XACC framework by

auto qpu = xacc::getAccelerator("tnqvm", {{"tnqvm-visitor", "exatn"}});

The tnqvm-visitor key can refer to one of the following options:

itensor-mpsMPS simulator based on itensor library.
exatnFull tensor contraction simulator based on ExaTN library.
exatn-mpsMPS simulator based on ExaTN library.
exatn-pmpsPurified-MPS (density matrix) simulator based on ExaTN library.

Note: If TNQVM was built without ExaTN, only the itensor-mps visitor will be available.

Full tensor contraction simulation 

Let’s look at a typical Bell-state quantum circuit simulation:

Bell Experiment - C++Bell Experiment - Python
#include "xacc.hpp"
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  xacc::Initialize(argc, argv);
  // Get reference to the TNQVM Accelerator
  auto accelerator = xacc::getAccelerator(
      "tnqvm", {{"tnqvm-visitor", "exatn"}, {"shots", 1024}});

  // Allocate some qubits
  auto buffer = xacc::qalloc(2);
  auto xasmCompiler = xacc::getCompiler("xasm");
  auto ir = xasmCompiler->compile(R"(__qpu__ void bell(qbit q) {
      CX(q[0], q[1]);
  })", accelerator);

  accelerator->execute(buffer, ir->getComposites()[0]);
  return 0;
import xacc
qpu = xacc.getAccelerator('tnqvm', { 'tnqvm-visitor': 'exatn', 'shots': 1024 })

# Define the quantum kernel in standard Python
def bell(q):

# Allocate 2 qubits
q = xacc.qalloc(2)

# run the bell state computation


Similarly, TNQVM can be used with the QCOR compiler.
Rather than explicitly requesting the TNQVM accelerator, one just need to pass tnqvm to the -qpu command-line argument when compiling with QCOR.

Bell Experiment - C++Bell Experiment - Python
Compile and run with
qcor -qpu tnqvm[tnqvm-visitor:exatn] -shots 1024 bell.cpp

Run with

python3 -qpu tnqvm[tnqvm-visitor:exatn] -shots 1024
__qpu__ void bell(qreg q) {
  CX(q[0], q[1]);
  for (int i = 0; i < q.size(); i++) {

int main() {
  auto q = qalloc(2);
  // Run the quantum kernel
from qcor import qjit, qalloc, qreg

# Define a Bell kernel
def bell(q : qreg):
    CX(q[0], q[1])
    for i in range(q.size()):

# Allocate 2 qubits
q = qalloc(2)

# Run the bell experiment

# Print the results

Approximate simulation with MPS 

To use the MPS-bases simulator, one needs to pass the name exatn-mps to the tnqvm-visitor option as shown in the below C++ example.

#include "xacc.hpp"

int main (int argc, char** argv) {
    // Initialize the XACC Framework
    xacc::Initialize(argc, argv);
    auto qpu = xacc::getAccelerator("tnqvm", {
        {"tnqvm-visitor", "exatn-mps"},
        {"shots", 10},

    // Allocate a register of 40 qubits
    auto qubitReg = xacc::qalloc(40);

    // Create a Program
    auto xasmCompiler = xacc::getCompiler("xasm");
    auto ir = xasmCompiler->compile(R"(__qpu__ void ghz(qbit q) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 39; i++) {
            CX(q[i], q[i+1]);
        // Measure two random qubits
        // should only get entangled bitstrings:
        // i.e. 00 or 11
    })", qpu);

    // Request the quantum kernel representing
    // the above source code
    auto program = ir->getComposite("ghz");
    // Execute!
    qpu->execute(qubitReg, program);

    // Finalize the XACC Framework
    return 0;

In this example, we simulate a simple cat-state experiment with a rather large number of qubits (40). Since this is an MPS-based simulator, the amount of memory required depends on the amount of entanglement, which is not much in this case. Hence, we can easily run this simulation on our laptops.

Noisy simulation with locally-purified MPS simulator 

TNQVM is experimentally supporting noisy circuit simulation using the locally-purified MPS method. The tnqvm-visitor name for this method is exatn-pmps.

In this mode, users need to either provide the device/backend model in JSON format (using configuration key backend-json) or specify an IBMQ backend that they want to emulate (using the backend option). The latter is demonstrated in the below example.

#include "xacc.hpp"

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  // Initialize the XACC Framework
  xacc::Initialize(argc, argv);

  // Using the purified-mps backend with noise model from
  // "ibmq_5_yorktown - ibmqx2" device.
  auto qpu = xacc::getAccelerator(
      "tnqvm", {{"tnqvm-visitor", "exatn-pmps"}, {"backend", "ibmqx2"}});

  // Allocate a register of 2 qubits
  auto qubitReg = xacc::qalloc(2);

  // Create a Program: simple Bell test
  auto xasmCompiler = xacc::getCompiler("xasm");
  auto ir = xasmCompiler->compile(R"(__qpu__ void bell(qbit q, double theta) {
    })", qpu);

  // Request the quantum kernel representing
  // the above source code
  auto program = ir->getComposite("bell");

  // Execute!
  qpu->execute(qubitReg, program);
  // Print the result (measurement count distribution) in the buffer.

  // Finalize the XACC Framework

  return 0;

It’s worth noting that the exatn-pmps visitor can only simulate localized (single-qubit) noise processes and hence doesn’t take into account correlated noise operations.

Lastly, below is the list of all available configuration options for each visitor type.

Some of the options are custom for specific simulation scenarios. Users are encouraged to submit questions on the TNQVM repository for programming supports.

For the exatn simulator, there are additional options that users can set during initialization:

Initialization ParameterParameter Descriptiontypedefault
exatn-buffer-size-gbExaTN’s host memory buffer size (in GB)int8 (GB)
exatn-contract-seq-optimizerExaTN’s contraction sequence optimizer to use.stringmetis
calc-contract-cost-flopsEstimate the Flops and Memory requirements only (no tensor contraction)
If true, the following info will be added to the AcceleratorBuffer:
- contract-flops: Flops count.
- max-node-bytes: Max intermediate tensor size in memory.
- optimizer-elapsed-time-ms: optimization walltime.
bitstringIf provided, the output amplitude/partial state vector associated with that bitstring will be computed.
The length of the input bitstring must match the number of qubits.
Non-projected bits (partial state vector) are indicated by -1 values.
Returned values in the AcceleratorBuffer:
- amplitude-real/amplitude-real-vec: Real part of the result.
- amplitude-imag/amplitude-imag-vec: Imaginary part of the result.
contract-with-conjugateIf true, we append the conjugate of the input circuit.
This is used to validate internal tensor contraction.
contract-with-conjugate-result key in the AcceleratorBuffer will be set to true if the validation is successful.
mpi-communicatorThe MPI communicator to initialize ExaTN runtime with.
If not provided, by default, ExaTN will use MPI_COMM_WORLD.

For the exatn-mps simulator, there are additional options that users can set during initialization:

Initialization ParameterParameter Descriptiontypedefault
svd-cutoffSVD cut-off limit.doublenumeric_limits::min
max-bond-dimMax bond dimension to keep.intno limit
mpi-communicatorThe MPI communicator to initialize ExaTN runtime with.
If not provided, by default, ExaTN will use MPI_COMM_WORLD.

For the exatn-pmps simulator, there are additional options that users can set during initialization:

Initialization ParameterParameter Descriptiontypedefault
backend-jsonBackend configuration JSON to estimate the noise model from.stringNone
backendName of the IBMQ backend to query the backend configuration.stringNone